echo "$1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive." 1>&2
exit 1
if [ -n "$tmp_part" ]; then
# If a partition is specified, we need to translate it into the
# GRUB's syntax.
echo "$tmp_drive" | sed "s%)$%,$(($tmp_part-1)))%"
# If no partition is specified, just print the drive name.
echo "$tmp_drive"
# Configure network interface and parameters before installing GeeXboX to disk.
setup_network () {
local title phy_type wifi_mode wep essid host_ip subnet gw_ip dns_ip smb_user smb_pwd val f
title="$BACKTITLE : Network Configuration"
# Get type of physical interface
val=`grep PHY_TYPE $f | cut -d'"' -f2`
phy_type=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --default-item $val --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "Network Physical Interface" --menu "\nGeeXboX can only use one network physical interface at a time. If you have more than one NIC, GeeXboX will use the first one. If you have both a traditional Ethernet adapter and a Wireless card, GeeXboX will use the wireless card by default. It is recommended to keep physical interface auto-detection but you may also want to force the use of one kind of interface.\n" 0 0 0 auto "Auto detection (recommended)" ethernet "Force using Ethernet card" wifi "Force using Wireless card"` || exit 1
# Get wireless settings only if required
if [ $phy_type = "auto" -o $phy_type = "wifi" ]; then
wifi_mode=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "Configuring WiFi Mode" --menu "\nAs you seem to be using your wireless adapter to connect this computer to your network, you will have to setup the networking mode.\n Are you connected to an access point (recommended) or directly to another computer ?\n" 0 0 0 managed "Connected to an access point (recommended)" ad-hoc "Direct Connection"` || exit 1
val=`grep WIFI_WEP $f | cut -d'"' -f2`
wep=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "Configuring WEP key" --inputbox "\nAs you seem to be using your wireless adapter to connect this computer to your network, you may be using a WEP key. If so, please fill in the following input box with your access point WEP key or let it blank if you do not have one (open network).\n" 0 0 "$val"` || exit 1
val=`grep WIFI_ESSID $f | cut -d'"' -f2`
essid=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "Configuring WiFi ESSID" --inputbox "\nAs you seem to be using your wireless adapter to connect this computer to your network, you probably are using an SSID. If so, please fill in the following input box with your SSID identifier or leave it blank if you do not have one (open network).\n" 0 0 "$val"` || exit 1
# get GeeXboX IP address
val=`grep HOST $f | cut -d'"' -f2`
host_ip=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "GeeXboX IP" --inputbox "\nGeeXboX needs to be allocated an IP address to be present on your network. Please fill in the following input box or leave it as it is for using DHCP autoconfiguration\n" 0 0 "$val"` || exit 1
# do not get more settings if DHCP
if [ ! -z $host_ip ]; then
val=`grep SUBNET $f | cut -d'"' -f2`
subnet=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "GeeXboX Subnet" --inputbox "\nYou may want to connect GeeXboX to the Internet. Please fill in the following input box with your network Subnet mask or leave it blank if you do not want to set a subnet mask for this computer.\n" 0 0 "$val"` || exit 1
val=`grep GATEWAY $f | cut -d'"' -f2`
gw_ip=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "GeeXboX GateWay" --inputbox "\nYou may want to connect GeeXboX to the Internet. Please fill in the following input box with your gateway IP address or leave it blank if you do not want to set a gateway for this computer.\n" 0 0 "$val"` || exit 1
val=`grep DNS_SERVER $f | cut -d'"' -f2`
dns_ip=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "GeeXboX DNS Server" --inputbox "\nYou may want to connect GeeXboX to the Internet. Please fill in the following input box with your DNS Server IP address used for name resolving or leave it blank if you do not want to resolve names with this computer.\n" 0 0 "$val"` || exit 1
# get samba user name
val=`grep SMB_USER $f | cut -d'"' -f2`
smb_user=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "Set Samba User name" --inputbox "\nWhen accessing to remote Samba shares, you may need to be authenticated. Most of Microsoft Windows computers let you anonymously access to remote shares using the guest account (SHARE). Please fill in the following input box with your user name for accesing to remote Samba shares or leave it blank if you do not have one.\n" 0 0 "$val"` || exit 1
# get samba password
val=`grep SMB_PWD $f | cut -d'"' -f2`
smb_pwd=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "Set Samba Password" --inputbox "\nIf user needs to be authenticated through a password, please fill in the following input box with it or leave it blank if you do not have one.\n" 0 0 "$val"` || exit 1
sed -i "s%^PHY_TYPE=\".*\"\(.*\)%PHY_TYPE=\"$phy_type\"\1%" $f
sed -i "s%^WIFI_MODE=\".*\"\(.*\)%WIFI_MODE=\"$wifi_mode\"\1%" $f
sed -i "s%^WIFI_WEP=\".*\"\(.*\)%WIFI_WEP=\"$wep\"\1%" $f
sed -i "s%^WIFI_ESSID=\".*\"\(.*\)%WIFI_ESSID=\"$essid\"\1%" $f
sed -i "s%^HOST=.*%HOST=\"$host_ip\"%" $f
sed -i "s%^SUBNET=.*%SUBNET=\"$subnet\"%" $f
sed -i "s%^GATEWAY=.*%GATEWAY=\"$gw_ip\"%" $f
sed -i "s%^DNS_SERVER=.*%DNS_SERVER=\"$dns_ip\"%" $f
sed -i "s%^SMB_USER=.*%SMB_USER=\"$smb_user\"%" $f
sed -i "s%^SMB_PWD=.*%SMB_PWD=\"$smb_pwd\"%" $f
# Configure TV card and scan for channels.
setup_tvscan () {
title="$BACKTITLE : Analog TV Channels Scanner"
for i in `$MPTVSCAN -i`; do
for i in `$MPTVSCAN -s`; do
NORMS="$NORMS $i ''"
for i in `$MPTVSCAN -c`; do
while [ -z "$DONE" ]; do
INPUT=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "TV Input Selection" --menu "\nBelow is the list of your TV card's available inputs. Please select the one you want to use for channels scan (should be Television)." 0 0 0 $INPUTS`
NORM=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "TV Norm Selection" --menu "\nBelow is the list of your TV card's supported video standards. Please select the one you want to use, according to your localization." 0 0 0 $NORMS`
CHANLIST=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "TV Chanlist Selection" --menu "\nBelow is the list of pre-configured chanlists for scan. Select the one corresponding to your location." 0 0 0 $CHANLISTS`
$MPTVSCAN -a "-i$INPUT" "-s$NORM" "-c$CHANLIST" -p 2>/tmp/chans | $DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "Scanning Channels" --gauge "\nGeeXboX is currently scanning your channels. This operation may take a while. Please wait while processing ..." 0 0
$DIALOG --aspect 12 --stdout --yes-label "Accept" --no-label "Retry" --backtitle "$title" --title "Scan Done ..." --yesno "\nCongratulations, the TV channels scan is done. The following channels has been discoverd (if no channel has been found, you can then try again with new card/tuner/norm/chanlist settings).\n\n$CHANNELS" 0 0 && DONE=true
if [ -s /tmp/chans ]; then
cat /tmp/chans >> $1/etc/tvcard
rm -f /tmp/chans
sed -i "s/^TVIN_STANDARD=.*/TVIN_STANDARD=$NORM/" $1/etc/tvcard
sed -i "s/^CHANLIST=.*/CHANLIST=$CHANLIST/" $1/etc/tvcard
# Configure DVB card and scan for channels.
setup_dvbscan () {
SCAN_ARGS="-x 0" # Scan FreeToAir channels only
TITLE="$BACKTITLE : Digital TV Channels Scanner"
if [ -f $DVB_FILE -a ! -d $DVB_LIST ]; then
tar xaf $DVB_FILE -C /usr/share
DVB_TYPE=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$TITLE" --title "DVB Card Type Selection" --menu "\nBelow is the list of available DVB card types. Please select the one you want to use for channels scan." 0 0 0 dvb-s "DVB Sattelite" dvb-t "DVB Terrestrial" dvb-c "DVB Cable" atsc "ATSC (US)"`
# DVB Terrestrial cards
if [ $DVB_TYPE = "dvb-t" ]; then
for i in `ls $DVB_LIST/$DVB_TYPE`; do
COUNTRY=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$TITLE" --title "Country Selection" --menu "\nBelow is the list of countries with known DVB-T transponders frequencies. Please select the one where you live." 0 0 0 $COUNTRIES`
for i in `ls $DVB_LIST/$DVB_TYPE/$COUNTRY`; do
CITY=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$TITLE" --title "City Selection" --menu "\nBelow is the list of locations from your country with known DVB-T transponders frequencies. If you live in place not present in this list, please contact your DVB provider, asking for your local transponders frequencies and send this information to the LinuxTV ( team. Otherwise, simply choose the town nearest to where you live." 0 0 0 $CITIES`
SAT=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$TITLE" --title "Satellite Selection" --menu "\nBelow is the list of known DVB-S satellite transponders you may be able to be connected to. If you are using another transponder which is not present in this list, please contact your DVB provider, asking for your transponder frequencies and send this information to the LinuxTV ( team. Otherwise, simply choose the one that fits your needs." 0 0 0 $SATS`
COUNTRY=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$TITLE" --title "Country Selection" --menu "\nBelow is the list of countries with known DVB-C transponders frequencies. Please select the one where you live." 0 0 0 $COUNTRIES`
for i in `ls $DVB_LIST/$DVB_TYPE/$COUNTRY`; do
CITY=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$TITLE" --title "City Selection" --menu "\nBelow is the list of locations from your country with known DVB-C transponders frequencies. If you live in place not present in this list, please contact your DVB provider, asking for your local transponders frequencies and send this information to the LinuxTV ( team. Otherwise, simply choose the town nearest to the place you live." 0 0 0 $CITIES`
FREQ=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$TITLE" --title "ATSC Transponder Selection" --menu "\nBelow is the list of known ATSC transponders you may be able to be connected to. If you are using another transponder which is not present in this list, please contact your ATSC provider, asking for your transponder frequencies and send this information to the LinuxTV ( team. Otherwise, simply choose the one that fits your needs." 0 0 0 $ATSC`
# Configure recorder settings (recording path and encoding profile)
setup_recorder () {
title="$BACKTITLE : Recorder Configuration"
. $f
$DIALOG --aspect 12 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "Recording Capabilities (EXPERIMENTAL) ..." --yesno "\nGeeXboX allows you to record different kinds of media (TV, DVB, NetStreams ...) to disk, according to various encoding profiles (MPEG 1/2, DVD ...). You may want to use this feature and thus, need to specify an HDD location where to save the records.\n\nWARNING: This is an _EXPERIMENTAL_ feature. Be aware that your HDD will be mounted R/W while recording streams to it, leading to a potential risk of disk data corruption.\n\nWould you still configure GeeXboX recording capabilities ?\n" 0 0 || return
# get list of encoding profiles
for profile in `grep "^\[" $mencoder_cfg | grep -v common | grep -v dump | sed -e 's/\[//' -e 's/\]//'`; do
profiles="$profiles $profile ''"
while [ -z "$DONE" ]; do
# choose the encoding profile
p=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "Recorder default encoding profile" --menu "\nGeeXboX lets you record video streams through various encoding profiles. They may vary in terms of encoding speed and quality. It is possible to choose one over an other at runtime through the GeeXboX recorder menu. Please choose the encoding profile you want to use as a default.\n" 0 0 0 $profiles` || exit 1
record_path=`$DIALOG --no-cancel --aspect 15 --stdout --backtitle "$title" --title "Recordings location" --inputbox "\nPlease type in the location where you want recordings to be saved to. Please note that the corresponding device (HDD) will be remounted R/W in order to attempt saving data to it.\n" 0 0 "$SAVE_PATH"` || exit 1
$DIALOG --aspect 12 --stdout --yes-label "Accept" --no-label "Retry" --backtitle "$title" --title "Configuration Done ..." --yesno "\nCongratulations, recording settings have been fully configured. Are you satisfied with the following settings:\n\nEncoding Profile: $p\nRecording Path: $record_path" 0 0 && DONE=true
sed -i "s%^SAVE_PATH.*%SAVE_PATH=\"$record_path\"%" $f
/bin/busybox mount -t proc none /proc
/bin/busybox mount -t sysfs none /sys
/bin/busybox --install -s
if [ "$1" = geexbox ]; then
DIALOG=`which dialog`
CFDISK=`which cfdisk`
SFDISK=`which sfdisk`
MKDOSFS=`which mkdosfs`
MKE2FS=`which mke2fs`
GRUB=`which grub`
SYSLINUX=`which syslinux`
BACKTITLE="GeeXboX $VERSION installator"
if [ "$UID" != "0" ]; then
echo ""
echo "**** You need to be root to install GeeXboX ****"
echo ""
exit 1
if [ -z "$SFDISK" -o -z "$GRUB" -o -z "$DIALOG" ]; then
echo ""
echo "**** You need to have sfdisk, grub and dialog installed to install GeeXboX ****"
echo ""
exit 1
if [ ! -d "/sys/block" ]; then
echo ""
echo "**** You need to have a mounted sysfs at /sys. try executing: mount -t sysfs none /sys ****"
echo ""
exit 1
# disable kernel messages to avoid screen corruption
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "ERROR" --yesno "\nNo disks found on this system.\nCheck again ?" 0 0 || exit 1
DISKS="$DISKS refresh list"
DISK=`$DIALOG --stdout --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Installation device" --menu "\nYou are going to install GeeXboX. For this you will need an empty partition with about 8 MB of free space.\nBe careful to choose the right disk! We won't take responsibility for any data loss." 0 0 0 $DISKS` || exit 1
[ $DISK != refresh ] && break
if [ "`cat /sys/block/$DISK/removable`" = 1 ]; then
BOOTLOADER=`$DIALOG --stdout --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Linux partition type" --menu "Which type of boot loader you want ? " 0 0 0 grub "GNU GRUB - Doesn't work with oldest BIOS" syslinux "Syslinux - For oldest BIOS compatbility"` || exit 1
if [ $BOOTLOADER = syslinux ]; then
PART_MSG="FAT partition (type=06)"
elif [ $BOOTLOADER = grub ]; then
PART_MSG="FAT partition (type=0B) or Linux ext2/3 partition (type=83)"
if [ -z "$CFDISK" ]; then
CFDISK_MSG="As you don't have cfdisk installed, the installator won't be able to create the partition for you. You'll have to create it yourself before installing."
CFDISK_MSG="Please edit your partition table to create a $PART_MSG with about 8 MB of free space.\nRemember to write the changes when done. We won't take responsibility for any data loss."
for i in `$SFDISK -l /dev/$DISK | grep ${DISK%disc} | cut -f1 -d' '`; do
case `$SFDISK --print-id ${i%%[0-9]*} ${i#${i%%[0-9]*}}` in
1|11|6|e|16|1e|b|c|1b|1c) #FAT12/16/32 are supported both in syslinux and grub.
S=`$SFDISK -s "$i" | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)[0-9]\{3\}/\1/'`
83) #Linux is supported only in grub.
if [ $BOOTLOADER = grub ]; then
S=`$SFDISK -s "$i" | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)[0-9]\{3\}/\1/'`
if [ -z "$DISKS" ]; then
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "ERROR" --msgbox "\nYou don't have any $PART_MSG partition on your system. Please create a partition first using for example cfdisk.\n" 0 0
exit 1
DEV=`$DIALOG --stdout --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Installation device" --menu "Where do you want to install GeeXboX ?" 0 0 0 $DISKS` || exit 1
if [ ! -b "$DEV" ]; then
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "ERROR" --msgbox "\n'$DEV' is not a valid block device.\n" 0 0
case `$SFDISK --print-id ${DEV%%[0-9]*} ${DEV#${DEV%%[0-9]*}}` in
FORMAT_MSG="Partition format type ($MKFS_TYPE) is not supported in your partition type ($PART_TYPE). "
FORMAT_MSG="Partition is already formated. "
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Formatting" --defaultno --yesno "$FORMAT_MSG\nDo you want to format '$DEV' ?\n" 0 0 && FORMAT=yes
if [ "$FORMAT" = yes ]; then
case `$SFDISK --print-id ${DEV%%[0-9]*} ${DEV#${DEV%%[0-9]*}}` in
1|11|6|e|16|1e|14) # FAT12 and FAT16
b|c|1b|1c) # FAT32
83) # Linux
MKFS_TYPE=`$DIALOG --stdout --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Linux partition type" --menu "Which type of Linux partition you want ?" 0 0 0 ext2 "Linux ext2" ext3 "Linux ext3"` || exit 1
case $MKFS_TYPE in
MKFS_TYPENAME="Linux ext2"
MKFS_TYPENAME="Linux ext3"
if [ -z "$MKFS" -o ! -x $MKFS ]; then
if [ "$NEED_FORMAT" = yes ]; then
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "ERROR" --msgbox "\n'$DEV' must be formated. As you don't have formatting tool installed, I won't be able to format the partition.\n" 0 0
rmdir di
exit 1
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Warning" --msgbox "\n'$DEV' needs to be a $MKFS_TYPENAME partition. As you don't have formatting tool installed, I won't be able to format the partition. Hopefully it is already formatted.\n" 0 0
elif [ "$NEED_FORMAT" = yes ]; then
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "ERROR" --msgbox "\n'$DEV' needs to be a formatted.\n" 0 0
rmdir di
exit 1
mount -t $MKFS_TYPE "$DEV" di
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "ERROR" --msgbox "\nFailed to mount '$DEV' as $MKFS_TYPENAME partition.\n" 0 0
# Setup network is only available when booting from GeeXboX.
if [ "$1" = geexbox ]; then
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Configure Network ?" --yesno "\nDo you want to configure your network parameters before installing GeeXboX to disk ?\n" 0 0 && setup_network "di/GEEXBOX"
# Configure TV card and scan for channels.
# (only available when booting from GeeXboX).
if [ "$1" = geexbox ]; then
if grep -q 'Class 0400:.*109e:' /proc/pci ||
grep -q 'Class 0480:.*1131:' /proc/pci ||
grep -q 'Class 0480:.*14f1:88' /proc/pci; then
# Only scan if a TV card is detected
/usr/bin/mptvscan -i >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ `echo $?` = 0 ]; then
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Scan for Analog TV Channels ?" --yesno "\nDo you want to configure your analog tv card and scan for channels before installing GeeXboX to disk ?\n" 0 0 && setup_tvscan "di/GEEXBOX"
# Configure DVB card and scan for channels.
# (only available when booting from GeeXboX).
if [ "$1" = geexbox ]; then
# Only scan if a DVB card is detected
if [ -f /var/dvbcard ]; then
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Scan for Digital (DVB) TV Channels ?" --yesno "\nDo you want to configure your digital (DVB) tv card and scan for channels before installing GeeXboX to disk ?\n" 0 0 && setup_dvbscan "di/GEEXBOX"
# Configure Recorder settings
# (only available when booting from GeeXboX).
if [ "$1" = geexbox ]; then
# Only if MEncoder binary exists
if [ -f /usr/bin/mencoder ]; then
setup_recorder "di/GEEXBOX"
VESA_MODE_OLD=`grep vga= di/isolinux.cfg | head -1 | sed "s%.*vga=\([^ ]*\).*%\1%"`
VESA_RES=$((($VESA_MODE_OLD - 784) / 3))
VESA_DEPTH=$((($VESA_MODE_OLD - 784) % 3))
if [ $VESA_DEPTH != 0 -a $VESA_DEPTH != 1 -a $VESA_DEPTH != 2 ] ||
[ $VESA_RES != 0 -a $VESA_RES != 1 -a $VESA_RES != 2 -a $VESA_RES != 3 ]; then
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Bootloader" --defaultno --yesno "\n'$DEV' is now a GeeXboX partition. To boot from it, you will need to install a bootloader. I can install one for you. If you have any other operating system on your computer, I will also install a multiboot for you. If you do not want me to install a new bootloader, you will need to configure yours alone.\nI have found: $supported_os_list\nDo you want to install me to install the boot loader (GRUB) for you ?\n" 0 0 && MBR=yes
$DIALOG --aspect 15 --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "Bootloader" --defaultno --yesno "\n'$DEV' is now a GeeXboX partition. I didn't recognize any other OS on your system, want me to install boot loader on your MBR ?\n" 0 0 && MBR=yes